Big Data And its desirability
Big Data and its desirability:
To thrive in a data driven world, you need to scrutinize and act on your data to identify new sources of receipts, intensify customer engagement, and reduce our prices. The TactTree’s big data solutions move beyond buzzwords to real insight.
Put simply, big data is prodigious, more complex data sets, especially from new data origins. These data sets are so extensive that traditional data processing software just can’t superintend them. But these gigantic volumes of data […]
Internet Of Things
There’s a lot of noise at the moment about the Internet of Things (or IoT) and its impact on everything from the way we travel and do our shopping to the way manufacturers keep track of inventory. But what is the Internet of Things? How does it work? And is it really that important? The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, or people that are provided with unique identifiers […]
Toxic Culture at workplace
As most people spend the majority of their awake hours working, it is extremely important to enjoy what you do, where you work and who you work for and with.
Company culture is the combination of people, vision and values that ultimately defines the atmosphere in the workplace and shapes how much you enjoy coming to work. A great company culture will attract top talent, while a poor culture will repel good people. Corporate culture, in essence, is the spirit […]